Accessing contents of an .nbk file?
Grant Hutchinson
2002-11-13 15:47:58 UTC
I've got an .nbk (backup file) from another Newton user, and I am
attempting to restore the contents to a flash card. Does anyone know
which backup software creates .nbk files? I can't seem to read it using
any Mac versions (NCU, NCK, NBU, NBX). It might have something to do with
the file having a TEXT/ttxt type and creator, so the various connection
applications won't see it. Does this file need to be accessed from a PC?

Is there any other software that will read the contents of a backup file
without having to do a restore?

I'm stuck.



Grant Hutchinson Interface Considerations & Toys

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Peter Cameron
2002-11-13 16:09:25 UTC
Post by Grant Hutchinson
I've got an .nbk (backup file) from another Newton user, and I am
attempting to restore the contents to a flash card. Does anyone know
which backup software creates .nbk files?
Possibly Newton Backup Utility?

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Andy Collins
2002-11-13 16:17:23 UTC
Hi Grant,
Post by Grant Hutchinson
I've got an .nbk (backup file) from another Newton user, and I am
attempting to restore the contents to a flash card. Does anyone know
which backup software creates .nbk files? I can't seem to read it using
I use NCU on a PC and it backs up to .NBK files. I don't know of any other
way to get to the data than with NCU. Is it a Packtype issue on the Mac?


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Grant Hutchinson
2002-11-13 16:21:41 UTC
Post by Peter Cameron
Possibly Newton Backup Utility?
Well, I've tried the Mac version and it doesn't recognize the file type.
Changing the file type to one of the ones specified in the NBU app bundle
resources allows the file to be seen, but the app still doesn't recognize
the content since I get an error trying to restore from it.

I haven't tried the Windows version of NBU yet. I was hoping I could do
this from my Mac. Perhaps I can try it through Virtual PC.



Grant Hutchinson Interface Considerations & Toys

Live video served fresh since 1996. http://www.splorp.com/cam/
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Peter Cameron
2002-11-13 16:44:57 UTC
Post by Grant Hutchinson
I haven't tried the Windows version of NBU yet. I was hoping I could do
this from my Mac. Perhaps I can try it through Virtual PC.
If Andy is correct and it's from Windows NCU would changing the filetype
to bkNU and the creator to 1NCU with ResEdit help Mac NCU see it?

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Victor Rehorst
2002-11-14 00:23:45 UTC
Post by Peter Cameron
Post by Grant Hutchinson
I haven't tried the Windows version of NBU yet. I was hoping I could do
this from my Mac. Perhaps I can try it through Virtual PC.
If Andy is correct and it's from Windows NCU would changing the filetype
to bkNU and the creator to 1NCU with ResEdit help Mac NCU see it?
.nbk files are backup files created by Windows NCU or NBU, I believe. You'll
need a PC to read them. Mac backup files and Windows backup files aren't
interchangeable, IIRC>
Victor Rehorst - ***@newtontalk.net - ***@chuma.org
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Grant [High Capacity] Hutchinson
2002-11-14 16:53:58 UTC
Post by Victor Rehorst
.nbk files are backup files created by Windows NCU or NBU, I believe.
You'll need a PC to read them. Mac backup files and Windows backup
files aren't interchangeable, IIRC>
This would confirm my suspicions. Thanks all. Time to fire up Virtual PC.



Grant Hutchinson Interface Considerations & Toys

Live video served fresh since 1996. http://www.splorp.com/cam/
Now fortified with daily ramblings. http://www.splorp.com/blog/
Newton. It's the Palm with a brain. http://www.splorp.com/newton/
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